• Other applications

  • Birds and bats are very important elements of the natural environment. Complete knowledge on the behaviour patterns of these species groups allows us to make informed decisions in such aspects as infrastructure, industry and nature protection in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. Regardless of whether you are a public administration employee, member of an NGO, a scientist or just a lover and observer of nature, you can expand your knowledge about the behaviour of birds to an extent far beyond the range of human vision and hearing. You can achieve this with the help of our specialists and the 3Bird Radar System. Never before has it been possible to observe birds and bats in complete darkness, in any weather and in any place. 
    We offer the rent our 3 Bird Radar System. Cutting-edge technology for observation and recording of the flights of birds and bats is at your service. Rent our system together with a team of experts and you will be overcoming the stereotypes concerning the life of birds and bats. Discover their world anew.
    We are fully mobile – within a maximum of 40 hours we can be anywhere in Europe, including countries outside the EU.
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