• Scientific research

  • Wherever researchers, lovers of birds and bats, non-governmental organizations and public administration authorities require accurate information on the behaviour of birds and bats, our experts will be happy to help in providing the same. The 3Bird Radar System and automatic bird and bat flights radar detection technology will achieve any, even the most difficult, research goal. 
    Scientific research and educational centres, public administration authorities and non-governmental organizations that are interested in broadening their knowledge with regard to ornithology and chiropterology and the development of science using the most innovative technologies, use the 3Bird Radar System as a long-range precision measuring instrument to determine bird and bat behaviour patterns and monitor the effects of implementing projects for their protection. The European Commission enthusiastically welcomes the use of modern measurement techniques and especially ornithological radar in monitoring the effects of conservation measures implemented within the framework of the (Life+) projects it finances.
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